History: 2010 FAQ

Preview of version: 1

Where will WikiSym 2010 be located?

WikiSym 2010 will be located in Gdańsk, Poland, directly before Wikimania 2010.

More information about the location, accommodation, registration etc. will be coming soon.

How can I find out more about Wikimania 2010?

Wikimania is the community conference of the Wikimedia Foundation projects. It focuses on Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects, including research into the sites, reports on community activities, and discussions of related issues of interest (such as free content creation, wiki technology and open educational resources).

More information can be found on the Wikimania site, http://wikimania2010.wikimedia.org (external link)

Will you offer discounted and/or dual registrations?

At this time our plan is to offer separate registration for each conference. WikiSym is much smaller and has a more academic focus than Wikimania, which is a community rather than a research conference. We are working now to coordinate housing registrations so that attendees of both conferences can book a hotel for the week.

What is Gdańsk like in July?

Gdańsk is on the Baltic, and offers a cool, moist climate in July. More information can be found in the Wikimania FAQ: http://wikimania2010.wikimedia.org/wiki/FAQ (external link)

How can I help out?

We are looking for online and onsite volunteers to help with organization and on-site help. Please contact Phoebe Ayers at chair@wikisym.org for more information. And of course this is a wiki — feel free to edit it!


Legend: v=view, s=source
Date UserEdit Comment Version Action
Sun 28 of Feb., 2010 15:45 EST psayers fix email 3
 v  s
Tue 26 of Jan., 2010 21:50 EST psayers link to faq 2  v  s  
Tue 12 of Jan., 2010 13:01 EST psayers   1  v  s